How to Buy a Present for your Girlfriend

Hello Gentlemen,

Today I’m going to walk you through how to buy a present for your girlfriend. Now, buying presents for a girl is completely different than what men usually want when they get a present.

Men usually want a present they can use: tools, BBQ sets, cookware, watches, shoes, etc. You guys like things that are functional, and when you’re looking down at the universal remote you use from your girlfriend, you smile and think what a great girlfriend she is.

But women, are different animals. Sometimes we hint at what we want, sometimes there’s no hint and you’re supposed to read her mind. Women want different things out of a present. We usually don’t want functional things as a present. Alas, in my view, I can buy some functional thing on my own, but from a boyfriend/husband, you want something sentimental and pretty. Either something with meaning to you two as a couple or something pretty that makes her look pretty or is pretty.

Girls don’t want the piece of jewelry EVERYONE else is getting because that doesn’t make HER feel special. This is where your sleuthing skills really need to kick into gear.

What does she like? Really ask yourself this before blindly running through the mall asking sales girls what they like. I remember working at Bath and Body Works one Christmas season when I was young and the men coming in for their wives and girlfriends were like shooting fish in a barrel. They had no idea what their significant other liked, so they just picked the most popular scent in a gift basket and called it a day. But after Christmas was over, guess who came in and returned the presents? The women who got it from their boyfriends because he didn’t know what she liked and exchanged for something she did like.

It’s not rocket science to find out what she likes, because she’ll probably show you or tell you. Is she into Etsy products? Does she like knitting? Is she into shoes? Movies? Video games? Dancing? Art?

One thing that’s always a great idea is an experience together. Take a painting class together, they have PaintNites over over the U.S. If she loves dancing, start taking Salsa classes together, if she likes cooking, do a cooking class together. Women love sharing experiences together as a couple.

They also want you to think about the present too. If she has a deep love of all things Anime and Totoro and you get her this rare stuffed animal that she didn’t even know about it, she’ll be totally happy and cherish the gift you gave her.

What I’m trying to say is keep in mind these things: get her something that shows you think of the details, something you two as a couple can share together, or something that makes HER feel special.

Although speakers for your home system sounds awesome, unless it’s something she’s asked for, she’s just going to assume it’s something for yourself and not her. Remember when Homer bought Marge a bowling ball? But it was really for him? Yeah, don’t do that.

I hope that helps you on a quest for the best present for your girl!

Until next time!