Where to Meet Girls

Coffee Delight - Follow me on Instagram @angelaeris
Coffee Delight – Follow me on Instagram @angelaeris
Hello Gentlemen,

Today’s lesson will be quite beneficial to you. I have questions asked to me like, “hey, Single Girl, I’m SOOO busy with work, I go online dating sometimes, but it’s just hard to find a good girl. Where can I meet girls?”

Let me tell you some hotspots on how to meet girls off the interwebz. This does require you getting off of Buzzfeed looking at those cute koalas and venturing forth into daylight (shocking) to meet girls.

Are you ready?

I said, are you READY???


Think about the girl you so desire. Is she covered in tattoos? Does she wear sundresses in the park? Is she riding a bike? Maybe watching a movie or playing video games?

Think about the activities you’d like in a mate, and start going out and trying those activities to meet someone.

For me, personally, I love reading and writing, so meeting a guy at a coffee shop over laptops or browsing through Green Apple Books would be my cup of tea. But it depends on what kind of guy you are and what you like in a girl.

Here are some HOT SPOTS for girls to start out with if you want a high women to men ratio and increase your odds of meeting a girl:

1. Yoga Class – No, yoga class ISN’T just for girls and their gay boyfriends, straight guys totally go too and there are a lot of hot, sweaty women that totally outnumber men. Also, if you have a rocking bod, totally time to take off your shirt (and not get yelled at) to attract the ladies. The only Cons to this is you can’t really talk during yoga practice, so you would have to get your chat on before class starts or afterwards, which can be tricky, so comment on something the girl is wearing, if she knows of any other yoga studios in the area, etc.

What kind of girl hangs out here?: The spiritual, athletic type. This girl might be into meditation, Buddhism or just looking for a great workout and find some zen.

2. Kickboxing Class – Kickboxing class is like catnip to cats, they’re just so many girls at this class, it’s ridiculous, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Bring your gloves, hand wraps and join all the girls in the kickboxing class. You get a workout and an array of ladies to choose from. Try looking for a dojo to find a good kickboxing class instead of a gym.

What kind of girl hangs out here?: This kind of girl like intense workouts, you might catch her hiking on the weekends or hitting the gym a lot. She’s really into fitness and trying new things.

3. Coffee shop/Bookstore – This is a great place to meet an intellectual lady. The environment is calm and there are a lot of conversation starters, “what are you working on your laptop?”, how is that book?”, “would you recommend that?” This is a great place to be causal and strike up a conversation with a girl. I suggest going to a popular coffee shop or bookstore. In the coffee shop, hang out for a few hours, relax and sit across from the girl you’re eyeing. Ask her to watch your stuff while you go to the bathroom (if you have trouble saying SOMETHING to the girl). Strike a conversation and don’t be afraid to follow up with a number or asking her out to dinner that night, she may have some time on her hands and might be delighted to go with you.

What kind of girl hangs out here?: The Intellectual. She’s a reader or working on her blog/article/business and likes to get out of the house to get ideas on the project she’s working on. She could be a college student. She’s more likely to converse about the book she’s reading or the project she’s working on.

4. Meetup.com Event – Lots of girls who are new to the neighborhood will go onto Meetup.com to find events and friends to hang out with. Join a hiking club, game club, drinking club, whatever suits your fancy to meet girls you wouldn’t normally meet. This is a place to be friends first and than to see where it could develop. You don’t want to come off strong here because girls in these events are looking for something to do or to make friends. They do want to meet guys, but if you’re stuck at an event together and it doesn’t work out well, it’s best to be friends first instead of awkward for the rest of the event.

What kind of girl hangs out here?: This girl is open to trying new things and is looking for new friends. She may be new to the area or looking to expand her social circle or trying something new that she never got to in the past.

5. Salsa/Swing Dance Class – This is another great way to meet some girls. With Salsa or Swing dance you HAVE to dance with a partner (yes, most likely a girl). You’re stuck together for an hour and you’re learning together. You don’t have to be a fabulous dancer, but know come key points. Be light on your feet, don’t step on her feet. I haven’t taken swing classes, but I have taken Salsa, and with Salsa you’re twirling the girl around, so you get to be in charge. Yes, dancing with a real life female can be intimidating and don’t get upset with yourself with the first few lessons, but by lesson 3-5 you’ll start getting it and will feel confident. So, stick with it and you may never know who you will be paired up with.

What kind of girl hangs out here?: This is a girl that likes to go out in the city, dance, party and enjoys the nightlife. If you love to party, this girl will be by your side.

Places to Avoid: Don’t go into Zumba Class or a knitting class to get a girl. It really does come across as gay and weird. That goes for ballet class as well. It’s just really awkward and weird and not a place a girl would expect to meet a guy, even though you’d feel you’d have an advantage at these spots, it’s really not the best first move to take.

Think about the kind of girl you like, and what she would be doing and go ahead with those activities. You’ll be out there, meeting new girls and it’s so much better than online dating.

Do you have any other suggestions on where to meet girls? Please comment below!

The Bad Boys Complex: Why girls like them, and how you can learn from them

Hello Gentlemen,

Today we’re going to dissect the anatomy of a “Bad Boy”, why girls are attracted to them, and how you can learn from them into being more attractive to girls.

First, we’ll start off with the science of “Bad Boy” attraction. There is actually a science to this (amazingly). Going back to the caveman, early ancestory of human beings, when shit hit the fan, who was more likely to survive? Say, a wooly mammoth was charging down a village of our ancestors, who would be most likely to survive? The guy that fights valiantly against the mammoth to save the village? The one that puts himself in front of his family to save the women and children? Or the douchebag that runs away while everyone else is fighting the beast?

It’s the douchebag. He survives, he knows how to save his thick skin by being selfish. Women know that, in some weird subconscious part of our brain, that the douchebag will survive because he knows how to save himself, and I guess we like the survivors. We want to breed with survivors (I know weird, but I analyze a lot of dating habits to evolution). Bad boys also have a look to them (hence why some girls LOVE Chris Brown, and I personally don’t get it at all…). They don’t look happy, they kind of slouch, and they walk in that dragging arms, puffing out chest manly walk that attracts the girls. The bad guy is dangerous, and mysterious…

And the mystery, gentlemen, is something you must use to your advantage.

I’m going to next illustrate my points with the ever to popular “Twilight” movies. Why? Because if you haven’t been living under a rock in the past few years, you KNOW girls like vampires and that movie is like, let me quote a famous bad boy, John Mayer here, “sexual napalm” for women.

If you’ve seen the movies, good for you, you’ll have a better understanding of what I’m going to describe, if you haven’t, don’t fret, my pet, I’ll explain for you.

Edward Cullen, or the “glittery” vampire is a classic example of what women find insanely attractive. He has the bad boy’s qualities, but besides being ridiculously handsome in his pasty, white make-up, it’s more about how he ACTS than how he LOOKs.

When people first get a glimpse of this vampire, there are key things to notice. He’s pretty quiet, he’s not smiling much, he stands tall, but not too tall, he’s calm, confident and well groomed. He’s not annoying at all. He acts very proper. Bella, the girl in the movie who is attracted to Edward, is instantly attracted. Well, why wouldn’t she? The other male examples in the movie are pretty much what you would see in ANY high school (or college, or work place or Cracked.com…) guys just acting like idiots. The two other guys vying for Bella’s attention (and failing miserably) ask her out on dates and she totally blows them off. The “other” guys are loud, obnoxious, and in one scene, one of them grabs a stick with the worm on the end and shows Bella the worm, like it’s the most hilarious thing to have a worm on a stick.

Um, no.

Being goofy with your pals, farting, joking around, jumping around, acting like a little kid, playing video games, being obsessed with “she’s hot!” and exclaiming to your single guy friends is not attractive to women.

See it this way, would you act that goofy and juvenile at a job interview? No, you have to bring your best “A” game. It’s the same with dating. A cool, calm, collected, confident gentleman is WAY hotter than a bumbling, annoying boy. The bad guy acts cool, and knows how to show his confidence, without throwing it in everyone’s face. The loud guy may be funny and entertaining, but at the end of the day, a girl wants a MAN not a BOY.

Edward Cullen exudes confidence, and also, he’s really into the girl. Now, I know he is an EXTREME example, all he does really is hang out with his family and pursue Bella. But, this kind of attention is appealing to girls. He’s not playing 5 hours of video games and hanging out with his frat boy friends, he’s devoted to her.

I know what you’re saying, “but I like my video games!” and “my friends are hilarious!”

I’m sure they’re all swell, and you don’t have to give them up for a girl. When you pursue a girl, when you are around her, give her attention, don’t let her come over and watch you play video games or hang out with your half-brained friends. That’s what “Guys Nights” are for. You can be silly and fart as much as you want, but keep that around your friends at first when you’re trying to “woo” that new girl.

By all means, PLEASE be yourself, but in the beginning, bring some mystery into the romance. Use movies like “Twilight” as visual cues. Dress well for your dates and understand that you don’t have to BE a bad boy to attract women, just use their tricks to do so. Don’t talk about yourself all night on the first date, remember to be confident in just being yourself. Groom yourself well, you want your date to regular bathe as well, right? Wear clothes that fit you well, smile, but don’t be a grinning idiot, and be calm.

If conversation fails, ask a question to get her to open up. Because Edward was all about pursuing her, not about how he drank himself into an oblivion and passed out while playing Halo. Pursue the girl and keep calm. You’ll get there.

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